Compared with the conventional linear control charge pump, the PFM control charge pump offers lower quiescent current, higher efficiency and low output ripple, especially in low load condition. 在电路理论中,本课题提出了一种新型PFM控制型电荷泵,与传统电荷泵相比,在芯片轻负载时,它具有更高的转换效率、更低的静态电流等优点。
The results show that, under quiescent condition, burning rates of square pool fire increases with the increase of air flow speed. The difference between experimental burning rates and the estimated values decrease with the increase of pool side lengths. 结果表明,无风条件下正方形油盘的池火燃烧速率随油池尺寸的增大而增大,实验所得燃烧速率与前人的预测值存在差别,差值随油盘直径增大而减小。